Trouble in paradise

tsmith <trw@usna> trw at usna.NAVY.MIL
Sun Mar 25 05:45:24 AEST 1990

Well, a small disaster has occured.  I shutdown my 7300 last night to
prepare for an upgrade from 2.0 to 3.5 and when I turned the power back
on, nothing.  The screen come on with a typical pattern but there is no
disk activity (hard or floppy) and the machine just sits there looking
dumb.  I checked the LEDs and the green one lights but there is no other

Anybody have any idea what I should be looking for???
I have another machine to use in the meantime but I would really like
to get this one working again as I have put a lot of software on it.

At the same time could someone tell me if anyone has looked into replacing
the 64K memory chips with 256K chips? I seem to remember that the only real
difference in the chips is pin 1 (on 64K chips it is NC and on 256K chips
it is A8.)  It would be nice if I could put 2MEG on the motherboard.  And
maybe even on the expansion board as well.

One more question before I go back and stare at my poor 7300.  If I can't 
revive my dead machine, is there any way I can use the expansion memory
in my other machine (making it 1 1/2MEG)?? And what about putting a second 
disk drive on it?  I have a case and power supply I could use to house it
externally but can I hook it up somehow??

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

bill gunshannon

trw at
720wfg at scrvmsys.bitnet
bill at

(They are all valid addresses to reach me.  Of course, there used to be
mordor!bill at, but he's not feeling well at the moment.
:-( :-( :-(  )

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