Online Manual Pages

Dan Chaney acp at
Thu Mar 22 02:02:10 AEST 1990

In episode <4545 at pegasus.ATT.COM>, 
we heard josie at pegasus.ATT.COM (Jack Gross) say:
|In article <194 at acsdev.UUCP> bobm at acsdev.PacBell.COM writes:
|>Does anybody know if online manual pages are available for either
|>the AT&T 3B2/1000 or the AT&T 6386wgs?
|>Bob Marrow
|Try (800)828-UNIX. They are the folk that sell UNIX source to the world
|and the manual pages are theirs too. 
|			Jack Gross
|			AT&T Bell Laboratories

I just called this number to inquire about online manual pages for SysV/386
3.2.1.  They are available as the Sysv/386 3.2.1 DRP (Document Reproduction
set, I think).  It is a commercial package intended for a company which
wants to (possibly modify and) resell the documents to end users, e.g. as
part of a custom version of the OS.  It costs $10,000 and you have to pay 
a royalty to AT&T for each copy you redistribute.  The two very nice women 
on the line didn't know of any more reasonable way to get on-line manuals 
for this machine.

If anyone DOES find a cheaper (~$100) way to get online manual pages
for Sysv/386, I'd LOVE to hear about it.  Otherwise, it appears a group
buy is in order :-)

Kenneth Herron
acp at        University of Kentucky         ACP Network Consultant
ukma!acp         Dept. of Mathematics, room 715 POT          (606) 257-2975
                       Lexington, KY 40506

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