3.5" drives and tape drive in Unix PC

andrew.d.hay mvadh at cbnews.ATT.COM
Mon Mar 5 22:03:59 AEST 1990

In article <22605 at pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> sjohn at cory.Berkeley.EDU (John Sasinowski) writes:
"	Jameco also has a tape drive that stores up to 60MB on a tape
"and that runs on standard IBM controller cards.  Does anyone know if
"this will work on a Unix PC?

if this is the cms jumbo, (and probably all others that 'work off the
floppy controller') the answer is 'yes and no'.  electrically it will,
but it requires a driver.
coincidentally, i have a back-burner project to write just such a
driver for the jumbo.  i will be moving it up to front-burner this

Andrew Hay		+------------------------------------------------------+
Ragged Individualist	|	 But I thought we were *ALL* iconoclasts!      |
AT&T-BL Ward Hill MA	|		I was just trying to fit in!!!	       |
a.d.hay at att.com		+------------------------------------------------------+

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