MGR, FIXDISK2.0, and the FTPable address of MAX

Lenny Tropiano lenny at icus.ICUS.COM
Wed Mar 21 09:05:17 AEST 1990

The Internet Number and name for has been CHANGED.

Please note the new address is now: []

The ~ftp/pub/unixpc/ directory still contains the up-to-date copies of
MGR, and FIXDISK2.0.

| Lenny Tropiano           ICUS Software Systems        lenny at icus.ICUS.COM |
| {ames,pacbell,decuac,sbcs,hombre,rayssd}!icus!lenny   attmail!icus!lenny  |
+------ ICUS Software Systems --  PO Box 1;  Islip Terrace, NY  11752 ------+

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