3b2 disk limit
Greg A. Woods
woods at eci386.uucp
Thu May 10 00:40:01 AEST 1990
In article <1990May8.151908.884 at nebulus.UUCP> dennis at nebulus.UUCP (Dennis S. Breckenridge) writes:
> woods at eci386.uucp (Greg A. Woods) writes:
> >If you are using a Maxtor, or some other large drive with similar
> >geometry, you can use drive type id 11. Filledt and/or prtconf know
> >this drive type as a "135 Megabyte Drive".
> What about adding a MAXTOR entry in the equipped device table. I used
> to remember the command syntax, but a man page on /etc/edttbl used to
> show you how. I thought it was something like:
> /etc/edttbl -l /dgn/edt_data -blah blah. This is where all the prtconf
> info comes from. DGN should find it as well unless EhTNT buried the
> drive test configs into the binaries!
Yup, you could do that, but the problem is finding out what the
existing id codes are for. /etc/edttbl will print out the default
known subdevice id's, but it doesn't look in the existing table.
Filledt seems to be happy with type 11, and the entry on the boot menu
says "HD135-B" or something similar. I guess disassembling filledt
might reveal a table of all id's including the undocumented ones. It
seems prtconf is able to see the number after the "HD" in the
description field in /dgn/edt_data (which is what the boot programme
displays), and prints that out as the size in megabytes.
One other thing I should add is that I think I'm running with the new
filledt which comes on the Core Upgrage Disk for 3.1 required for newer
hardware such as the EPORTS and SCSI cards, though the filledt on the
IDTOOLS disk also seems to know about type 11 drives.
It's really sad that AT&T didn't see fit to publish all of this data
in the service manual. I wonder where the "real" documentation is! I
can understand not supporting third party drives (i.e. supporting only
the 36Mb and 72Mb CDC Wren drives), but not documenting the system
support software leaves even the service reps. out in the cold. The
sevice manual I've seen doesn't even have the complete list of
supported drive types!
Greg A. Woods
+1-416-443-1734 [h] +1-416-595-5425 [w] VE3-TCP Toronto, Ontario CANADA
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