PostScript plans for alternate 3B1 case
Mark Dapoz
mdapoz at hybrid.UUCP
Thu May 31 14:01:44 AEST 1990
This is a shar archive which contains the postscript files for the plans
to an alternate case for the 3B1.
# This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by mdapoz on Wed May 30 23:29:04 EDT 1990
# Contents: README
echo x - README
sed 's/^@//' > "README" <<'@//E*O*F README//'
This package consists of the following postscript files:
total 118
-rw-r--r-- 1 mdapoz staff 803 May 30 23:26 README
-rw-r--r-- 1 mdapoz staff 12434 Jan 20 16:15
-rw-r--r-- 1 mdapoz staff 9495 Jan 6 02:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 mdapoz staff 14778 Jan 20 16:16
-rw-r--r-- 1 mdapoz staff 11824 Jan 6 02:10
-rw-r--r-- 1 mdapoz staff 9497 Jan 6 02:10
The drawings have been created using the idraw program from the InterViews
Once printed, the files will show the plans for the alternate case which I
built for my 3B1. The cut outs in the left side of the case are used to
allow the mounting of a 5.25" floppy drive, 3.5" floppy drive and the
monitor/keyboard connector.
Mark Dapoz
mdapoz%hybrid at
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r README
echo x -
sed 's/^@//' > "" <<'@//E*O*F'
%%DocumentFonts: Courier Helvetica-Bold Helvetica Times-Italic Helvetica-Oblique
%%Pages: 1
%%BoundingBox: 16 9 576 761
/arrowHeight 8 def
/arrowWidth 4 def
/none null def
/numGraphicParameters 17 def
/stringLimit 65535 def
/Begin {
numGraphicParameters dict begin
} def
/End {
} def
/SetB {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /brushNone idef
} {
/brushDashOffset idef
/brushDashArray idef
0 ne /brushRightArrow idef
0 ne /brushLeftArrow idef
/brushWidth idef
false /brushNone idef
} ifelse
} def
/SetCFg {
/fgred idef
/fggreen idef
/fgblue idef
} def
/SetCBg {
/bgred idef
/bggreen idef
/bgblue idef
} def
/SetF {
/printSize idef
/printFont idef
} def
/SetP {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /patternNone idef
} {
/patternGrayLevel idef
patternGrayLevel -1 eq {
/patternString idef
} if
false /patternNone idef
} ifelse
} def
/BSpl {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 true subspline
n 2 gt {
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 false subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy false subspline
} if
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy 2 copy false subspline
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Circ {
0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def
/CBSpl {
0 begin
dup 2 gt {
n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 2 2 true subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 false subspline
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 false subspline
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} {
} ifelse
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Elli {
0 begin
4 2 roll
0 0 1 0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 1 dict put def
/Line {
0 begin
2 storexyn
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
x 1 get y 1 get lineto
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
0 0 1 1 rightarrow
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/MLine {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
1 1 n 1 sub {
/i exch def
x i get y i get lineto
} for
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Poly {
3 1 roll
-1 add
{ lineto } repeat
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def
/Rect {
0 begin
/t exch def
/r exch def
/b exch def
/l exch def
l b moveto
l t lineto
r t lineto
r b lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Text {
} def
/idef {
dup where { pop pop pop } { exch def } ifelse
} def
/ifill {
0 begin
patternGrayLevel -1 ne {
fgred bgred fgred sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fggreen bggreen fggreen sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fgblue bgblue fgblue sub patternGrayLevel mul add setrgbcolor
} {
originalCTM setmatrix
pathbbox /t exch def /r exch def /b exch def /l exch def
/w r l sub ceiling cvi def
/h t b sub ceiling cvi def
/imageByteWidth w 8 div ceiling cvi def
/imageHeight h def
bgred bggreen bgblue setrgbcolor
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
l b translate w h scale
w h true [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { patternproc } imagemask
} ifelse
} dup 0 8 dict put def
/istroke {
brushDashOffset -1 eq {
[] 0 setdash
1 setgray
} {
brushDashArray brushDashOffset setdash
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
} ifelse
brushWidth setlinewidth
originalCTM setmatrix
} def
/ishow {
0 begin
0 2.5 originalCTM dtransform idtransform
/yoff exch def
/xoff exch def
printFont /Courier ne printSize 10 ne and { xoff yoff translate } if
printFont findfont printSize scalefont setfont
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
/vertoffset printSize neg def {
0 vertoffset moveto show
/vertoffset vertoffset printSize sub def
} forall
} dup 0 3 dict put def
/patternproc {
0 begin
/patternByteLength patternString length def
/patternHeight patternByteLength 8 mul sqrt cvi def
/patternWidth patternHeight def
/patternByteWidth patternWidth 8 idiv def
/imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth imageHeight mul
stringLimit patternByteWidth sub min def
/imageMaxHeight imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth idiv patternHeight idiv
patternHeight mul patternHeight max def
/imageHeight imageHeight imageMaxHeight sub store
/imageString imageByteWidth imageMaxHeight mul patternByteWidth add string def
0 1 imageMaxHeight 1 sub {
/y exch def
/patternRow y patternByteWidth mul patternByteLength mod def
/patternRowString patternString patternRow patternByteWidth getinterval def
/imageRow y imageByteWidth mul def
0 patternByteWidth imageByteWidth 1 sub {
/x exch def
imageString imageRow x add patternRowString putinterval
} for
} for
} dup 0 12 dict put def
/min {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll lt { exch } if pop
} def
/max {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll gt { exch } if pop
} def
/arrowhead {
0 begin
transform originalCTM itransform
/taily exch def
/tailx exch def
transform originalCTM itransform
/tipy exch def
/tipx exch def
/dy tipy taily sub def
/dx tipx tailx sub def
/angle dx 0 ne dy 0 ne or { dy dx atan } { 90 } ifelse def
originalCTM setmatrix
tipx tipy translate
angle rotate
0 0 moveto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div lineto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div neg lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 7 dict put def
/leftarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
brushLeftArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/rightarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
brushRightArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/midpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 x1 add 2 div
y0 y1 add 2 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/thirdpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 2 mul x1 add 3 div
y0 2 mul y1 add 3 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/subspline {
0 begin
/movetoNeeded exch def
y exch get /y3 exch def
x exch get /x3 exch def
y exch get /y2 exch def
x exch get /x2 exch def
y exch get /y1 exch def
x exch get /x1 exch def
y exch get /y0 exch def
x exch get /x0 exch def
x1 y1 x2 y2 thirdpoint
/p1y exch def
/p1x exch def
x2 y2 x1 y1 thirdpoint
/p2y exch def
/p2x exch def
x1 y1 x0 y0 thirdpoint
p1x p1y midpoint
/p0y exch def
/p0x exch def
x2 y2 x3 y3 thirdpoint
p2x p2y midpoint
/p3y exch def
/p3x exch def
movetoNeeded { p0x p0y moveto } if
p1x p1y p2x p2y p3x p3y curveto
} dup 0 17 dict put def
/storexyn {
/n exch def
/y n array def
/x n array def
n 1 sub -1 0 {
/i exch def
y i 3 2 roll put
x i 3 2 roll put
} for
} def
%I Idraw 4
%I b u
%I cfg u
%I cbg u
%I f u
%I p u
%I t
[ 1.09512e-08 -0.9 0.9 1.09512e-08 0 792 ] concat
/originalCTM matrix currentmatrix def
Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Gray
0.750011 0.750011 0.750011 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0.5 SetP
%I t
[ 1.05085 -3.85771e-17 0 1 -26.6271 3.05176e-05 ] concat
91 134 799 504 Rect
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.04603 0 0 1 -24.1058 2 ] concat
91 532 799 532 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 -20 -0.00050354 ] concat
71 504 71 134 Line
Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0.75 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 -20 0 ] concat
211 140 211 140 Rect
Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
1 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 -22 0 ] concat
197 134 197 134 Rect
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.79517 0 0 1 -92.9416 -5 ] concat
91 119 196 119 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.64689 0 0 1 -502.157 -12 ] concat
693 126 798 126 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.763295 0 0 1 102.577 1 ] concat
203 113 703 113 Line
Begin %I MLine
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
1 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 -13 0 ] concat
%I 5
272 133
272 175
650 175
650 133
650 133
5 MLine
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 0.93956 -539 9.68582 ] concat
819 133 819 175 Line
Begin %I Poly
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
1 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
162 350
162 420
281 420
281 350
4 Poly
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.01587 0 0 1 -22.9175 2 ] concat
91 329 182 329 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.00367 0 0 1 -20.1298 2 ] concat
182 329 301 329 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 0.968571 143 15.1434 ] concat
161 420 161 504 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1.01701 143 -5.17349 ] concat
161 420 161 350 Line
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 124 127 ] concat
(11cm \(4.3125"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 681 127 ] concat
(11cm \(4.3125"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 406 128 ] concat
(20cm \(7.875"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 0.916667 -1 1.1154e-08 267 137 ] concat
( 1.3cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 77 345 ] concat
(4cm \(1.5625"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 291 361 ] concat
( 3.5cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 179 345 ] concat
(5cm \(1.9375"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 291.5 436.5 ] concat
( 7.2cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 406 546 ] concat
(42cm \(16.375"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 37.5 283.5 ] concat
(18cm \(7.0625"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 3.13333 0 0 4.10294 135 637.172 ] concat
(Custom AT&T 3B1 Enclosure)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.03752 0 0 1.18699 95 77.8618 ] concat
(Version: 1.0)
(Date: 90/01/05)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Times-Italic 14 SetF
%I t
[ 0.832421 0 0 0.730769 96 31 ] concat
(Note: case was built to imperial specs although metric specs are recommended)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 770 629 ] concat
(Page 3 of 5)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f 6x10
/Courier 8 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 692 52 ] concat
(\(C\) 1990 by Mark Dapoz)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Oblique 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.44444 0 0 1.79487 774 595.333 ] concat
] Text
End %I eop
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r
echo x -
sed 's/^@//' > "" <<'@//E*O*F'
%%DocumentFonts: Courier Helvetica-Bold Helvetica Times-Italic Helvetica-Oblique
%%Pages: 1
%%BoundingBox: 16 9 576 761
/arrowHeight 8 def
/arrowWidth 4 def
/none null def
/numGraphicParameters 17 def
/stringLimit 65535 def
/Begin {
numGraphicParameters dict begin
} def
/End {
} def
/SetB {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /brushNone idef
} {
/brushDashOffset idef
/brushDashArray idef
0 ne /brushRightArrow idef
0 ne /brushLeftArrow idef
/brushWidth idef
false /brushNone idef
} ifelse
} def
/SetCFg {
/fgred idef
/fggreen idef
/fgblue idef
} def
/SetCBg {
/bgred idef
/bggreen idef
/bgblue idef
} def
/SetF {
/printSize idef
/printFont idef
} def
/SetP {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /patternNone idef
} {
/patternGrayLevel idef
patternGrayLevel -1 eq {
/patternString idef
} if
false /patternNone idef
} ifelse
} def
/BSpl {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 true subspline
n 2 gt {
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 false subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy false subspline
} if
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy 2 copy false subspline
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Circ {
0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def
/CBSpl {
0 begin
dup 2 gt {
n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 2 2 true subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 false subspline
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 false subspline
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} {
} ifelse
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Elli {
0 begin
4 2 roll
0 0 1 0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 1 dict put def
/Line {
0 begin
2 storexyn
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
x 1 get y 1 get lineto
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
0 0 1 1 rightarrow
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/MLine {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
1 1 n 1 sub {
/i exch def
x i get y i get lineto
} for
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Poly {
3 1 roll
-1 add
{ lineto } repeat
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def
/Rect {
0 begin
/t exch def
/r exch def
/b exch def
/l exch def
l b moveto
l t lineto
r t lineto
r b lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Text {
} def
/idef {
dup where { pop pop pop } { exch def } ifelse
} def
/ifill {
0 begin
patternGrayLevel -1 ne {
fgred bgred fgred sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fggreen bggreen fggreen sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fgblue bgblue fgblue sub patternGrayLevel mul add setrgbcolor
} {
originalCTM setmatrix
pathbbox /t exch def /r exch def /b exch def /l exch def
/w r l sub ceiling cvi def
/h t b sub ceiling cvi def
/imageByteWidth w 8 div ceiling cvi def
/imageHeight h def
bgred bggreen bgblue setrgbcolor
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
l b translate w h scale
w h true [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { patternproc } imagemask
} ifelse
} dup 0 8 dict put def
/istroke {
brushDashOffset -1 eq {
[] 0 setdash
1 setgray
} {
brushDashArray brushDashOffset setdash
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
} ifelse
brushWidth setlinewidth
originalCTM setmatrix
} def
/ishow {
0 begin
0 2.5 originalCTM dtransform idtransform
/yoff exch def
/xoff exch def
printFont /Courier ne printSize 10 ne and { xoff yoff translate } if
printFont findfont printSize scalefont setfont
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
/vertoffset printSize neg def {
0 vertoffset moveto show
/vertoffset vertoffset printSize sub def
} forall
} dup 0 3 dict put def
/patternproc {
0 begin
/patternByteLength patternString length def
/patternHeight patternByteLength 8 mul sqrt cvi def
/patternWidth patternHeight def
/patternByteWidth patternWidth 8 idiv def
/imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth imageHeight mul
stringLimit patternByteWidth sub min def
/imageMaxHeight imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth idiv patternHeight idiv
patternHeight mul patternHeight max def
/imageHeight imageHeight imageMaxHeight sub store
/imageString imageByteWidth imageMaxHeight mul patternByteWidth add string def
0 1 imageMaxHeight 1 sub {
/y exch def
/patternRow y patternByteWidth mul patternByteLength mod def
/patternRowString patternString patternRow patternByteWidth getinterval def
/imageRow y imageByteWidth mul def
0 patternByteWidth imageByteWidth 1 sub {
/x exch def
imageString imageRow x add patternRowString putinterval
} for
} for
} dup 0 12 dict put def
/min {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll lt { exch } if pop
} def
/max {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll gt { exch } if pop
} def
/arrowhead {
0 begin
transform originalCTM itransform
/taily exch def
/tailx exch def
transform originalCTM itransform
/tipy exch def
/tipx exch def
/dy tipy taily sub def
/dx tipx tailx sub def
/angle dx 0 ne dy 0 ne or { dy dx atan } { 90 } ifelse def
originalCTM setmatrix
tipx tipy translate
angle rotate
0 0 moveto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div lineto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div neg lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 7 dict put def
/leftarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
brushLeftArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/rightarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
brushRightArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/midpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 x1 add 2 div
y0 y1 add 2 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/thirdpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 2 mul x1 add 3 div
y0 2 mul y1 add 3 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/subspline {
0 begin
/movetoNeeded exch def
y exch get /y3 exch def
x exch get /x3 exch def
y exch get /y2 exch def
x exch get /x2 exch def
y exch get /y1 exch def
x exch get /x1 exch def
y exch get /y0 exch def
x exch get /x0 exch def
x1 y1 x2 y2 thirdpoint
/p1y exch def
/p1x exch def
x2 y2 x1 y1 thirdpoint
/p2y exch def
/p2x exch def
x1 y1 x0 y0 thirdpoint
p1x p1y midpoint
/p0y exch def
/p0x exch def
x2 y2 x3 y3 thirdpoint
p2x p2y midpoint
/p3y exch def
/p3x exch def
movetoNeeded { p0x p0y moveto } if
p1x p1y p2x p2y p3x p3y curveto
} dup 0 17 dict put def
/storexyn {
/n exch def
/y n array def
/x n array def
n 1 sub -1 0 {
/i exch def
y i 3 2 roll put
x i 3 2 roll put
} for
} def
%I Idraw 4
%I b u
%I cfg u
%I cbg u
%I f u
%I p u
%I t
[ 1.09512e-08 -0.9 0.9 1.09512e-08 0 792 ] concat
/originalCTM matrix currentmatrix def
Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Gray
0.750011 0.750011 0.750011 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0.5 SetP
%I t
[ 1.05085 -3.85771e-17 0 1 -26.6271 3.05176e-05 ] concat
91 134 799 504 Rect
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.04603 0 0 1 -24.1058 2 ] concat
91 532 799 532 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 -20 -0.00050354 ] concat
71 504 71 134 Line
Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0.75 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 -20 0 ] concat
211 140 211 140 Rect
Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
1 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 -22 0 ] concat
197 134 197 134 Rect
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 406 546 ] concat
(42cm \(16.375"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 37.5 283.5 ] concat
(18cm \(7.0625"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 3.13333 0 0 4.10294 135 637.172 ] concat
(Custom AT&T 3B1 Enclosure)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.03752 0 0 1.18699 95 77.8618 ] concat
(Version: 1.0)
(Date: 90/01/05)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Times-Italic 14 SetF
%I t
[ 0.832421 0 0 0.730769 96 31 ] concat
(Note: case was built to imperial specs although metric specs are recommended)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 770 629 ] concat
(Page 4 of 5)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f 6x10
/Courier 8 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 692 52 ] concat
(\(C\) 1990 by Mark Dapoz)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Oblique 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.44444 0 0 1.79487 774 595.333 ] concat
] Text
End %I eop
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r
echo x -
sed 's/^@//' > "" <<'@//E*O*F'
%%DocumentFonts: Courier Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-Bold Helvetica Times-Italic
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numGraphicParameters dict begin
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} def
/SetB {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /brushNone idef
} {
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/brushDashArray idef
0 ne /brushRightArrow idef
0 ne /brushLeftArrow idef
/brushWidth idef
false /brushNone idef
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/printFont idef
} def
/SetP {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /patternNone idef
} {
/patternGrayLevel idef
patternGrayLevel -1 eq {
/patternString idef
} if
false /patternNone idef
} ifelse
} def
/BSpl {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 true subspline
n 2 gt {
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 false subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy false subspline
} if
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy 2 copy false subspline
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
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/Circ {
0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
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0 begin
dup 2 gt {
n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 2 2 true subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 false subspline
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 false subspline
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} {
} ifelse
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0 begin
4 2 roll
0 0 1 0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
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/Line {
0 begin
2 storexyn
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
x 1 get y 1 get lineto
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
0 0 1 1 rightarrow
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/MLine {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
1 1 n 1 sub {
/i exch def
x i get y i get lineto
} for
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
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/Poly {
3 1 roll
-1 add
{ lineto } repeat
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
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/Rect {
0 begin
/t exch def
/r exch def
/b exch def
/l exch def
l b moveto
l t lineto
r t lineto
r b lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Text {
} def
/idef {
dup where { pop pop pop } { exch def } ifelse
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0 begin
patternGrayLevel -1 ne {
fgred bgred fgred sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fggreen bggreen fggreen sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fgblue bgblue fgblue sub patternGrayLevel mul add setrgbcolor
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originalCTM setmatrix
pathbbox /t exch def /r exch def /b exch def /l exch def
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/imageHeight h def
bgred bggreen bgblue setrgbcolor
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
l b translate w h scale
w h true [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { patternproc } imagemask
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/istroke {
brushDashOffset -1 eq {
[] 0 setdash
1 setgray
} {
brushDashArray brushDashOffset setdash
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
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brushWidth setlinewidth
originalCTM setmatrix
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0 begin
0 2.5 originalCTM dtransform idtransform
/yoff exch def
/xoff exch def
printFont /Courier ne printSize 10 ne and { xoff yoff translate } if
printFont findfont printSize scalefont setfont
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
/vertoffset printSize neg def {
0 vertoffset moveto show
/vertoffset vertoffset printSize sub def
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0 begin
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/patternHeight patternByteLength 8 mul sqrt cvi def
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/patternByteWidth patternWidth 8 idiv def
/imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth imageHeight mul
stringLimit patternByteWidth sub min def
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patternHeight mul patternHeight max def
/imageHeight imageHeight imageMaxHeight sub store
/imageString imageByteWidth imageMaxHeight mul patternByteWidth add string def
0 1 imageMaxHeight 1 sub {
/y exch def
/patternRow y patternByteWidth mul patternByteLength mod def
/patternRowString patternString patternRow patternByteWidth getinterval def
/imageRow y imageByteWidth mul def
0 patternByteWidth imageByteWidth 1 sub {
/x exch def
imageString imageRow x add patternRowString putinterval
} for
} for
} dup 0 12 dict put def
/min {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll lt { exch } if pop
} def
/max {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll gt { exch } if pop
} def
/arrowhead {
0 begin
transform originalCTM itransform
/taily exch def
/tailx exch def
transform originalCTM itransform
/tipy exch def
/tipx exch def
/dy tipy taily sub def
/dx tipx tailx sub def
/angle dx 0 ne dy 0 ne or { dy dx atan } { 90 } ifelse def
originalCTM setmatrix
tipx tipy translate
angle rotate
0 0 moveto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div lineto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div neg lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
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/leftarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
brushLeftArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/rightarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
brushRightArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/midpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 x1 add 2 div
y0 y1 add 2 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/thirdpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 2 mul x1 add 3 div
y0 2 mul y1 add 3 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/subspline {
0 begin
/movetoNeeded exch def
y exch get /y3 exch def
x exch get /x3 exch def
y exch get /y2 exch def
x exch get /x2 exch def
y exch get /y1 exch def
x exch get /x1 exch def
y exch get /y0 exch def
x exch get /x0 exch def
x1 y1 x2 y2 thirdpoint
/p1y exch def
/p1x exch def
x2 y2 x1 y1 thirdpoint
/p2y exch def
/p2x exch def
x1 y1 x0 y0 thirdpoint
p1x p1y midpoint
/p0y exch def
/p0x exch def
x2 y2 x3 y3 thirdpoint
p2x p2y midpoint
/p3y exch def
/p3x exch def
movetoNeeded { p0x p0y moveto } if
p1x p1y p2x p2y p3x p3y curveto
} dup 0 17 dict put def
/storexyn {
/n exch def
/y n array def
/x n array def
n 1 sub -1 0 {
/i exch def
y i 3 2 roll put
x i 3 2 roll put
} for
} def
%I Idraw 4
%I b u
%I cfg u
%I cbg u
%I f u
%I p u
%I t
[ 1.09512e-08 -0.9 0.9 1.09512e-08 0 792 ] concat
/originalCTM matrix currentmatrix def
Begin %I Poly
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Gray
0.750011 0.750011 0.750011 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0.5 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 -6.10352e-05 0 ] concat
%I 4
91 134
91 504
798 504
798 134
4 Poly
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 2 2 ] concat
91 532 798 532 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 2 2 ] concat
63 504 63 133 Line
Begin %I MLine
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
1 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 0 1 ] concat
%I 9
729 132
729 342
659 342
659 454
568 454
568 251
511 251
511 132
511 132
9 MLine
Begin %I Poly
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
< cc cc 33 33 cc cc 33 33 > -1 SetP
%I t
[ 1.15769 0 0 1.00952 -23.1798 -3.20001 ] concat
%I 4
147 336
147 441
413 441
413 336
4 Poly
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.02503 0 0 1 -0.23262 2 ] concat
89 110 499 110 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.798319 0 0 1 114.526 122 ] concat
497 112 567 112 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.984127 0 0 1 10.7206 325 ] concat
567 112 658 112 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.1203 0 0 1 -78.9453 214 ] concat
658 112 721 112 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.91358 0 0 1 71.1187 2 ] concat
719 110 796 110 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1.18601 -299 -22.6776 ] concat
826 133 826 231 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 0.887989 -187 37.977 ] concat
826 343 826 469 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1.36384 -215 -183.999 ] concat
826 469 826 504 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 44 2 ] concat
441 502 441 441 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 44 2 ] concat
441 441 441 336 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.15258 0 0 1 -22.7784 2 ] concat
147 308 413 308 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.964086 0 0 1 4.5833 2 ] concat
147 308 91 308 Line
Begin %I Text
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%I f 6x10
/Courier 8 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 391 778 ] concat
] Text
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%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 266 322 ] concat
(18cm \(7.25"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 22 624 ] concat
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.03696 0 0 1 94.4874 323 ] concat
( 3cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 53.5 285.5 ] concat
(18cm \(7.0625"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 256 126 ] concat
(24cm \(9.375"\))
] Text
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.6 0 0 1.02506 238.121 -8.37347 ] concat
583 452 583 254 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
708 343 708 133 Line
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 472.5 375.5 ] concat
(5cm \(2"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 473 452 ] concat
( 3cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 744 123 ] concat
( 5cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 518 246 ] concat
( 2cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 672 338 ] concat
( 3cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 594 450 ] concat
( 4.5cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 574.5 313.5 ] concat
(10 cm \(3.9375"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 625.5 353.5 ] concat
(4.5cm \(1.75"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 696.5 189.5 ] concat
(11.5cm \(4.5"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 515 160 ] concat
( 6cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 599 453 ] concat
( 2cm)
] Text
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
511 112 728 112 Line
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 580 124 ] concat
(9.5cm \(3.75"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 422 548 ] concat
(38.5cm \(15.0625"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Oblique 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.44444 0 0 1.79487 770 597.333 ] concat
(Left Side)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f 6x10
/Courier 8 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 692 52 ] concat
(\(C\) 1990 by Mark Dapoz)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 770 629 ] concat
(Page 1 of 5)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.77273 0 0 2.76923 223 412 ] concat
(Screen Mesh)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.03752 0 0 1.18699 95 77.8618 ] concat
(Version: 1.0)
(Date: 90/01/05)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Times-Italic 14 SetF
%I t
[ 0.832421 0 0 0.730769 96 31 ] concat
(Note: case was built to imperial specs although metric specs are recommended)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 3.13333 0 0 4.10294 135 637.172 ] concat
(Custom AT&T 3B1 Enclosure)
] Text
End %I eop
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r
echo x -
sed 's/^@//' > "" <<'@//E*O*F'
%%DocumentFonts: Courier Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-Bold Helvetica Times-Italic
%%Pages: 1
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/arrowHeight 8 def
/arrowWidth 4 def
/none null def
/numGraphicParameters 17 def
/stringLimit 65535 def
/Begin {
numGraphicParameters dict begin
} def
/End {
} def
/SetB {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /brushNone idef
} {
/brushDashOffset idef
/brushDashArray idef
0 ne /brushRightArrow idef
0 ne /brushLeftArrow idef
/brushWidth idef
false /brushNone idef
} ifelse
} def
/SetCFg {
/fgred idef
/fggreen idef
/fgblue idef
} def
/SetCBg {
/bgred idef
/bggreen idef
/bgblue idef
} def
/SetF {
/printSize idef
/printFont idef
} def
/SetP {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /patternNone idef
} {
/patternGrayLevel idef
patternGrayLevel -1 eq {
/patternString idef
} if
false /patternNone idef
} ifelse
} def
/BSpl {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 true subspline
n 2 gt {
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 false subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy false subspline
} if
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy 2 copy false subspline
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Circ {
0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def
/CBSpl {
0 begin
dup 2 gt {
n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 2 2 true subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 false subspline
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 false subspline
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} {
} ifelse
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Elli {
0 begin
4 2 roll
0 0 1 0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 1 dict put def
/Line {
0 begin
2 storexyn
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
x 1 get y 1 get lineto
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
0 0 1 1 rightarrow
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/MLine {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
1 1 n 1 sub {
/i exch def
x i get y i get lineto
} for
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Poly {
3 1 roll
-1 add
{ lineto } repeat
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def
/Rect {
0 begin
/t exch def
/r exch def
/b exch def
/l exch def
l b moveto
l t lineto
r t lineto
r b lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Text {
} def
/idef {
dup where { pop pop pop } { exch def } ifelse
} def
/ifill {
0 begin
patternGrayLevel -1 ne {
fgred bgred fgred sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fggreen bggreen fggreen sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fgblue bgblue fgblue sub patternGrayLevel mul add setrgbcolor
} {
originalCTM setmatrix
pathbbox /t exch def /r exch def /b exch def /l exch def
/w r l sub ceiling cvi def
/h t b sub ceiling cvi def
/imageByteWidth w 8 div ceiling cvi def
/imageHeight h def
bgred bggreen bgblue setrgbcolor
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
l b translate w h scale
w h true [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { patternproc } imagemask
} ifelse
} dup 0 8 dict put def
/istroke {
brushDashOffset -1 eq {
[] 0 setdash
1 setgray
} {
brushDashArray brushDashOffset setdash
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
} ifelse
brushWidth setlinewidth
originalCTM setmatrix
} def
/ishow {
0 begin
0 2.5 originalCTM dtransform idtransform
/yoff exch def
/xoff exch def
printFont /Courier ne printSize 10 ne and { xoff yoff translate } if
printFont findfont printSize scalefont setfont
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
/vertoffset printSize neg def {
0 vertoffset moveto show
/vertoffset vertoffset printSize sub def
} forall
} dup 0 3 dict put def
/patternproc {
0 begin
/patternByteLength patternString length def
/patternHeight patternByteLength 8 mul sqrt cvi def
/patternWidth patternHeight def
/patternByteWidth patternWidth 8 idiv def
/imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth imageHeight mul
stringLimit patternByteWidth sub min def
/imageMaxHeight imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth idiv patternHeight idiv
patternHeight mul patternHeight max def
/imageHeight imageHeight imageMaxHeight sub store
/imageString imageByteWidth imageMaxHeight mul patternByteWidth add string def
0 1 imageMaxHeight 1 sub {
/y exch def
/patternRow y patternByteWidth mul patternByteLength mod def
/patternRowString patternString patternRow patternByteWidth getinterval def
/imageRow y imageByteWidth mul def
0 patternByteWidth imageByteWidth 1 sub {
/x exch def
imageString imageRow x add patternRowString putinterval
} for
} for
} dup 0 12 dict put def
/min {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll lt { exch } if pop
} def
/max {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll gt { exch } if pop
} def
/arrowhead {
0 begin
transform originalCTM itransform
/taily exch def
/tailx exch def
transform originalCTM itransform
/tipy exch def
/tipx exch def
/dy tipy taily sub def
/dx tipx tailx sub def
/angle dx 0 ne dy 0 ne or { dy dx atan } { 90 } ifelse def
originalCTM setmatrix
tipx tipy translate
angle rotate
0 0 moveto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div lineto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div neg lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 7 dict put def
/leftarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
brushLeftArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/rightarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
brushRightArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/midpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 x1 add 2 div
y0 y1 add 2 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/thirdpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 2 mul x1 add 3 div
y0 2 mul y1 add 3 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/subspline {
0 begin
/movetoNeeded exch def
y exch get /y3 exch def
x exch get /x3 exch def
y exch get /y2 exch def
x exch get /x2 exch def
y exch get /y1 exch def
x exch get /x1 exch def
y exch get /y0 exch def
x exch get /x0 exch def
x1 y1 x2 y2 thirdpoint
/p1y exch def
/p1x exch def
x2 y2 x1 y1 thirdpoint
/p2y exch def
/p2x exch def
x1 y1 x0 y0 thirdpoint
p1x p1y midpoint
/p0y exch def
/p0x exch def
x2 y2 x3 y3 thirdpoint
p2x p2y midpoint
/p3y exch def
/p3x exch def
movetoNeeded { p0x p0y moveto } if
p1x p1y p2x p2y p3x p3y curveto
} dup 0 17 dict put def
/storexyn {
/n exch def
/y n array def
/x n array def
n 1 sub -1 0 {
/i exch def
y i 3 2 roll put
x i 3 2 roll put
} for
} def
%I Idraw 4
%I b u
%I cfg u
%I cbg u
%I f u
%I p u
%I t
[ 1.09512e-08 -0.9 0.9 1.09512e-08 0 792 ] concat
/originalCTM matrix currentmatrix def
Begin %I Poly
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Gray
0.750011 0.750011 0.750011 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0.5 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 3.99994 -4 ] concat
%I 4
91 134
91 504
798 504
798 134
4 Poly
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 2 2 ] concat
91 532 798 532 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 0.986667 2 3.7495 ] concat
63 504 63 133 Line
Begin %I Text
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0 0 0 SetCFg
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%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 391 778 ] concat
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 22 624 ] concat
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 53.5 285.5 ] concat
(18cm \(7.0625"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 422 548 ] concat
(38.5cm \(15.0625"\))
] Text
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%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Oblique 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.44444 0 0 1.79487 762 597.333 ] concat
(Right Side)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f 6x10
/Courier 8 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 692 52 ] concat
(\(C\) 1990 by Mark Dapoz)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 770 629 ] concat
(Page 2 of 5)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.03752 0 0 1.18699 95 77.8618 ] concat
(Version: 1.0)
(Date: 90/01/05)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 271 630 ] concat
] Text
Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
< cc cc 33 33 cc cc 33 33 > -1 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 0.999695 -6 ] concat
531 266 721 444 Rect
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 2.69444 0 0 2.92308 572 392 ] concat
( Mesh)
] Text
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.02299 0 0 1 -5.61157 2 ] concat
99 462 525 462 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.04582 0 0 1 -30.1199 2 ] concat
539 462 721 462 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1.08844 0 0 1 -70.8192 2 ] concat
729 462 799 462 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 0.977099 29 6.31934 ] concat
477 504 477 442 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1.00554 29 -6.71906 ] concat
477 442 477 266 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 0.992278 29 2.02231 ] concat
477 260 477 134 Line
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 246 476 ] concat
(26.5cm \(10.3125"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 591 476 ] concat
(10cm \(3.9375"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 733 477 ] concat
( 2cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 493.5 312.5 ] concat
(10cm \(3.9375"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1.00926 -1 1.22806e-08 493 443.5 ] concat
( 2cm)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 493.5 159.5 ] concat
(6cm \(2.375"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Times-Italic 14 SetF
%I t
[ 0.832421 0 0 0.730769 96 31 ] concat
(Note: case was built to imperial specs although metric specs are recommended)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 3.13333 0 0 4.10294 135 637.172 ] concat
(Custom AT&T 3B1 Enclosure)
] Text
End %I eop
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r
echo x -
sed 's/^@//' > "" <<'@//E*O*F'
%%DocumentFonts: Courier Helvetica-Bold Helvetica Times-Italic Helvetica-Oblique
%%Pages: 1
%%BoundingBox: 16 9 576 750
/arrowHeight 8 def
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/none null def
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/stringLimit 65535 def
/Begin {
numGraphicParameters dict begin
} def
/End {
} def
/SetB {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /brushNone idef
} {
/brushDashOffset idef
/brushDashArray idef
0 ne /brushRightArrow idef
0 ne /brushLeftArrow idef
/brushWidth idef
false /brushNone idef
} ifelse
} def
/SetCFg {
/fgred idef
/fggreen idef
/fgblue idef
} def
/SetCBg {
/bgred idef
/bggreen idef
/bgblue idef
} def
/SetF {
/printSize idef
/printFont idef
} def
/SetP {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /patternNone idef
} {
/patternGrayLevel idef
patternGrayLevel -1 eq {
/patternString idef
} if
false /patternNone idef
} ifelse
} def
/BSpl {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 true subspline
n 2 gt {
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 false subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy false subspline
} if
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy 2 copy false subspline
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Circ {
0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def
/CBSpl {
0 begin
dup 2 gt {
n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 2 2 true subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 false subspline
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 false subspline
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} {
} ifelse
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Elli {
0 begin
4 2 roll
0 0 1 0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 1 dict put def
/Line {
0 begin
2 storexyn
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
x 1 get y 1 get lineto
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
0 0 1 1 rightarrow
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/MLine {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
1 1 n 1 sub {
/i exch def
x i get y i get lineto
} for
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Poly {
3 1 roll
-1 add
{ lineto } repeat
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def
/Rect {
0 begin
/t exch def
/r exch def
/b exch def
/l exch def
l b moveto
l t lineto
r t lineto
r b lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/Text {
} def
/idef {
dup where { pop pop pop } { exch def } ifelse
} def
/ifill {
0 begin
patternGrayLevel -1 ne {
fgred bgred fgred sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fggreen bggreen fggreen sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fgblue bgblue fgblue sub patternGrayLevel mul add setrgbcolor
} {
originalCTM setmatrix
pathbbox /t exch def /r exch def /b exch def /l exch def
/w r l sub ceiling cvi def
/h t b sub ceiling cvi def
/imageByteWidth w 8 div ceiling cvi def
/imageHeight h def
bgred bggreen bgblue setrgbcolor
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
l b translate w h scale
w h true [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { patternproc } imagemask
} ifelse
} dup 0 8 dict put def
/istroke {
brushDashOffset -1 eq {
[] 0 setdash
1 setgray
} {
brushDashArray brushDashOffset setdash
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
} ifelse
brushWidth setlinewidth
originalCTM setmatrix
} def
/ishow {
0 begin
0 2.5 originalCTM dtransform idtransform
/yoff exch def
/xoff exch def
printFont /Courier ne printSize 10 ne and { xoff yoff translate } if
printFont findfont printSize scalefont setfont
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
/vertoffset printSize neg def {
0 vertoffset moveto show
/vertoffset vertoffset printSize sub def
} forall
} dup 0 3 dict put def
/patternproc {
0 begin
/patternByteLength patternString length def
/patternHeight patternByteLength 8 mul sqrt cvi def
/patternWidth patternHeight def
/patternByteWidth patternWidth 8 idiv def
/imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth imageHeight mul
stringLimit patternByteWidth sub min def
/imageMaxHeight imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth idiv patternHeight idiv
patternHeight mul patternHeight max def
/imageHeight imageHeight imageMaxHeight sub store
/imageString imageByteWidth imageMaxHeight mul patternByteWidth add string def
0 1 imageMaxHeight 1 sub {
/y exch def
/patternRow y patternByteWidth mul patternByteLength mod def
/patternRowString patternString patternRow patternByteWidth getinterval def
/imageRow y imageByteWidth mul def
0 patternByteWidth imageByteWidth 1 sub {
/x exch def
imageString imageRow x add patternRowString putinterval
} for
} for
} dup 0 12 dict put def
/min {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll lt { exch } if pop
} def
/max {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll gt { exch } if pop
} def
/arrowhead {
0 begin
transform originalCTM itransform
/taily exch def
/tailx exch def
transform originalCTM itransform
/tipy exch def
/tipx exch def
/dy tipy taily sub def
/dx tipx tailx sub def
/angle dx 0 ne dy 0 ne or { dy dx atan } { 90 } ifelse def
originalCTM setmatrix
tipx tipy translate
angle rotate
0 0 moveto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div lineto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div neg lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 7 dict put def
/leftarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
brushLeftArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/rightarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
brushRightArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/midpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 x1 add 2 div
y0 y1 add 2 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/thirdpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 2 mul x1 add 3 div
y0 2 mul y1 add 3 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def
/subspline {
0 begin
/movetoNeeded exch def
y exch get /y3 exch def
x exch get /x3 exch def
y exch get /y2 exch def
x exch get /x2 exch def
y exch get /y1 exch def
x exch get /x1 exch def
y exch get /y0 exch def
x exch get /x0 exch def
x1 y1 x2 y2 thirdpoint
/p1y exch def
/p1x exch def
x2 y2 x1 y1 thirdpoint
/p2y exch def
/p2x exch def
x1 y1 x0 y0 thirdpoint
p1x p1y midpoint
/p0y exch def
/p0x exch def
x2 y2 x3 y3 thirdpoint
p2x p2y midpoint
/p3y exch def
/p3x exch def
movetoNeeded { p0x p0y moveto } if
p1x p1y p2x p2y p3x p3y curveto
} dup 0 17 dict put def
/storexyn {
/n exch def
/y n array def
/x n array def
n 1 sub -1 0 {
/i exch def
y i 3 2 roll put
x i 3 2 roll put
} for
} def
%I Idraw 4
%I b u
%I cfg u
%I cbg u
%I f u
%I p u
%I t
[ 1.09512e-08 -0.9 0.9 1.09512e-08 0 792 ] concat
/originalCTM matrix currentmatrix def
Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Gray
0.750011 0.750011 0.750011 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0.5 SetP
%I t
[ 0.62147 -3.85771e-17 0 1 182.446 -1.99997 ] concat
91 134 799 504 Rect
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.619311 0 0 1 183.441 -5 ] concat
91 532 799 532 Line
Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1.00853 141 -3.31546 ] concat
71 504 71 134 Line
Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0.75 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 -20 0 ] concat
211 140 211 140 Rect
Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 1 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
1 SetP
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 -22 0 ] concat
197 134 197 134 Rect
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 406 546 ] concat
(42cm \(16.375"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Courier 10 SetF
%I t
[ 1.2168e-08 1 -1 1.2168e-08 198.5 285.5 ] concat
(38.5cm \(15.0625"\))
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 3.13333 0 0 4.10294 135 637.172 ] concat
(Custom AT&T 3B1 Enclosure)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.03752 0 0 1.18699 95 77.8618 ] concat
(Version: 1.0)
(Date: 90/01/05)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Times-Italic 14 SetF
%I t
[ 0.832421 0 0 0.730769 96 31 ] concat
(Note: case was built to imperial specs although metric specs are recommended)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 770 629 ] concat
(Page 5 of 5)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f 6x10
/Courier 8 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 692 52 ] concat
(\(C\) 1990 by Mark Dapoz)
] Text
Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f stdfont
/Helvetica-Oblique 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.44444 0 0 1.79487 774 595.333 ] concat
] Text
End %I eop
chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r
echo Inspecting for damage in transit...
temp=/tmp/shar$$; dtemp=/tmp/.shar$$
trap "rm -f $temp $dtemp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
20 126 803 README
858 2763 12434
593 2002 9495
1075 3364 14778
805 2599 11824
593 2002 9497
3944 12856 58831 total
wc README | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp - >$dtemp
if [ -s $dtemp ]
then echo "Ouch [diff of wc output]:" ; cat $dtemp
else echo "No problems found."
exit 0
Managing a software development team | Mark Dapoz
is a lot like being on the psychiatric | mdapoz%hybrid at
ward. -Mitch Kapor, San Jose Mercury | ...uunet!mnetor!hybrid!mdapoz
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