Hard drive types on WGS 6386
neal at mnopltd.UUCP
neal at mnopltd.UUCP
Thu May 31 13:23:51 AEST 1990
->Does anyone have a list of drive types in the WGS 6386 cmos. I have a Seagate
->236R + adaptic 2072 controller (RLL) combo I'd like to put in, but the only way
->that it works is if I tell the machine there is no hard drive present. The setup
->utility does present a long list of drive types, but only by size, which is
->not a great help. .
-> While it seems to work with no drive defined, and boots fine, I'd be
->happier if it were defined in setup.
->Any and all suggestions and info are greatly appreciated. ATT has yet to return
Not to rain on yer parade, but be real careful; The old Olivetti mother (%$#@)
boards lack some smarts in their ROMS for anything but the controllers they are
delivered with.
Neal Rhodes MNOP Ltd (404)- 972-5430
President Lilburn (atlanta) GA 30247 Fax: 978-4741
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