Kermit for 3b1
Andy Fyfe
andy at
Sat Sep 1 17:43:56 AEST 1990
In article <1544 at> jim at (Jim Sanchez) writes:
>I noticed that Lenny has posted a new verion of Kermit on his archive
>site. I and I expect others would LOVE to see this posted to c.s.u or
>whatever. What about it guys?
I provided Lenny with the version of kermit that is now in the archives.
This is a pre-release of kermit that I've been testing (along with many
others). In fact, I'm already running the next edit (155) on my machine.
I have been using kermit for some time now and find it quite solid, and
far more up to date than the other version in the archive. Once the
kermit-people (Frank da Cruz in particular) are happy with kermit, there
will be an official release for all (most, anyway) unix systems. This
is likely to happen in the near future (at least a formal announcement
of a beta version).
If anyone is desperate for the sources, you can find them in kermit/sw
on for anonymous ftp (you'll need ck[cuw]*.? and
ckuker.mak). It might be a while before comp.sources.unix sees the
sources, but from time to time I'll get a new version to Lenny for the
OSU UnixPC archives.
Andy Fyfe andy at
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