AT&T SVR4 Porting Guide, what it is, how to order
Pete Holsberg
pjh at mccc.uucp
Sat Sep 1 04:21:21 AEST 1990
In article <33398 at> thad at (Thad P Floryan) writes:
=I continue to receive numerous inquiries concerning SVR4 and its impact on
=existing software and applications. In case this hasn't been mentioned before,
=I'd like to point interested parties to an EXCELLENT document from AT&T:
= AT&T UNIX System V Release 4.0
= Migration Guide for System V Developers
You left out the best part, Thad. Unless it was an error that has been
corrected, the manual + 2 disk set costs $5.00 and change!!
Prof. Peter J. Holsberg Mercer County Community College
Voice: 609-586-4800 Engineering Technology, Computers and Math
UUCP:...!princeton!mccc!pjh 1200 Old Trenton Road, Trenton, NJ 08690
Internet: pjh at Trenton Computer Festival -- 4/20-21/91
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