LP as shared resource for 3B2s

Bill Kennedy bill at ssbn.WLK.COM
Fri Feb 1 23:54:45 AEST 1991

> pcasey at inmet.inmet.com writes:
[ Paul Casey is trying to print across the network... ]
> woods at eci386.UUCP (Greg A. Woods) replies:
>If you can run UUCP over WIN3b, I'd suggest using one of the many
>remote_lp scripts which uux lp on the remote system.  You could also
>use remsh if it works.  RFS for this purpose is over-kill.
>							Greg A. Woods

It's not overkill if it works IMHO.  I have both of my system printers
on an NCR Tower and both 386en and the Tower do just fine locally or
with remsh.  They also worked OK with the script I sent Paul using uux,
but the 3B2 (also WIN-TCP) refuses to cooperate.  If I run, by hand, the
same commands in my lp interface script, everything is hunky dory.  If I
try it through lp it claims to print but doesn't.

I also have TLI uucp working just fine among everyone but the 3B2.  The
NLS listener is OK because (other than what I complained about yesterday)
RFS works.  If I try to uucico -r1 I get an immediate EMT trap and any
inbound uucicos just fill the (remote) screen with imsg>'s.  I'm no
ethernet wizard, but the 3B2 is the least cooperative machine on the network.
I'm doubtful that I have made some really bone headed mistake because most
everything else seems to be working OK.  I think I need some email hand
holding if anyone has the time/patience.
Bill Kennedy  usenet      {att,cs.utexas.edu,pyramid!daver}!ssbn.wlk.com!bill
              internet    bill at ssbn.WLK.COM   or attmail!ssbn!bill

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