3B1 C runtime library bug; do you have it too?

Dave Snyder dave at das13.snide.com
Sat Jan 5 13:44:39 AEST 1991

In article <37567 at cup.portal.com>, thad at cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) writes:
> Incredible as it may seem, I believe I've actually found a bug in the 3B1's
> C library.
> On the off-chance I may have somehow screwed (or not updated (how?)) my C
> runtime libraries or they got clobbered by some "random" install script for
> some other package(s), would you please try this program on your system and
> see if you get the correct results?
You did not whack your libraries Thad, before I discovered "the net" I was
foolish enough to call the AT&T hotline and pay $120 an hour to have a
technician tell me, "Yep, your right, it is a bug", for the exact same type
of problem you describe (I know, I was stupid, $120 an hour).  To top that
off... the tech then told me, "We can't do anything because that machine and
it's software are no longer supported".  Anyway my solution was to grab a PD
version of printf and use it only when I needed the *.*f, *.*d, etc

David A. Snyder @ Snide Inc. - Folcroft, PA

UUCP:  ..!uunet!trac2000!das13!dave     INTERNET:  dave at das13.snide.com

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