Hardware Flow Control on tty

Bill Heiser bill at unixland.uucp
Sun Jan 6 09:56:16 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jan4.220906.11895 at e2big.mko.dec.com> grebus at nobozo.enet.dec.com () writes:
>Anyone else seen problems with the WD 16550's.

I got several letters from people who said they also had problems with
the WD chips.  Apparently, according to one person who seemed to know
about such things, the WD chip is a clone of the NAS16550 rather than
the NAS16550A.  As I understand it, there were (and are) bugs in that
chip that cause it to not work properly with FIFOs enabled -- this, of
course, defeats the purpose of the 16550 chip!

home:	...!{uunet,bloom-beacon,esegue}!world!unixland!bill
	bill at unixland.uucp    Public Access Unix - Esix SYSVR3
508-655-3848(12/24)  508-651-8723(12/24/96-HST)  508-651-8733(12/24/96-PEP-V32)
other:	heiser at world.std.com

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