Which mail routing program do I need?

Chris Lewis clewis at ferret.ocunix.on.ca
Mon Jun 17 11:37:05 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jun14.204255.18302 at agate.berkeley.edu> et at ocf.berkeley.edu (Eric Thompson) writes:
>Hi.  I've got a couple 3B2/700s to deal with.  Here's the situation:
>we now have multiple mail readers on our system (mailx, elm, mush)
>and people are beginning to use them.  Unfortunately, we only used to
>have "mailx" and all of the aliases (mailing lists) were kept in
>/usr/lib/mailx/mailx.rc, the global startup file.

>Smail doesn't seem to know about alias files like
>/usr/lib/alises.  If it did, Ithink it would be perfect.  If it does
>and I just don't know it, *please* let me know, because I got Smail to
>compile easily!  :-)

Which smail?  Smail 2.5 works just fine with /usr/lib/aliases.  However,
if you've not installed smail quite right, your mailers may not
invoke it properly.  I suppose that goes ditto for smail 3.x (you
don't really need smail 3).  Smail 2.5 does not permit mail-to-file
or mail-to-pipe in the aliases file - Jon Zeeff wrote a program
called lmail which can do it in conjunction with smail.  "deliver"
will also do that.  I can send you a copy of a fixed version of lmail
if you want.

>I really think I'm barking up the wrong tree with pathalias and uumail,
>since we don't send to any other sites.

uumail is a less functional version of smail 2.5 - don't bother.

Pathalias is useful with smail too - smail has support for the pathalias
map file.
Chris Lewis, Phone: (613) 832-0541, Domain: clewis at ferret.ocunix.on.ca
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