Carlo Milono cmilono at netcom.COM
Sun Jun 23 11:47:38 AEST 1991

What with the merger happening, significant changes in products, and
uncertain support policies, what about a new group?  I realize that
there will be venerable AT&T microcomputers humming for many a year from
now, and so perhaps this group should survive, but some of the new 
products on the horizon (from NCR/AT&T) are really exciting - the
3450 and 35/26/3700's...I don't know much about their 'PCs' yet, except
that NCR bullied AT&T into the Microchannel architecture.

The 3B2 family will live for a piece and an upgrade to a MIPS CPU
is due shortly.
|                   Carlo Milono                                           |
|    Personal:    cmilono at   or   apple!netcom!cmilono           |
| Hobbes: "Life in the Great Suburban Outback is certainly fraught with    |
|          peril."                                                         |
| Calvin: "If you'd seen it, you'd have been scared too."                  |

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