Help! Sendmail won't

Bob Craven zrwc05 at
Wed Jun 5 04:26:32 AEST 1991

TA DA!  Thanks to all who tried to help.  I never received any of the email, but
I managed to get the silly thing working anyway.  Sorry to all who tried to 
reply, and got bounced. In dinking around with the file I used a
different ruleset and the the mailer wouldn't receive or send mail.  

For any who are intrested I changed a couple of lines in ruleset 0.  The 
distributed file wants named to resolve unknown hosts and does not
expect a host to resolve unknown names/domains.  I changed this line to send
all unknown domain type names to our mailhost.  

Robert Craven
zrwc05 at

News Admin - Amoco 'voyager' News Server
zdkm01 at

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