Open Look for the 3B2

Dave Rubin drubin at
Wed May 29 06:16:25 AEST 1991

We recently installed AT&T's Open Look GUI on our 3B2.  Although we have the
User Guide, Reference, and several Programmer's guides, I have been unable
to find definitions of the various resources that one can use to control
the function of the olwm window manager.  I am interested in the resources
corresponding to properties such as Mwm's "KeyboardFocusPolicy", and such
things as border colors, icon location, etc.

Does anyone know where I can find a list of olwm's resource definitions,
if not specifically for AT&T's product, then for the generic olwm program?
Thanks ... please respond via E-mail.

Dave Rubin
Polytechnic University
drubin at

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