UNIX Formatting Limit

Carlo Milono cmilono at netcom.COM
Sat May 11 14:50:12 AEST 1991

 I have an acquaintance who is attempting to install SVR4 on a 386/33 clone
which as a 600MB hard drive.  He initially had trouble getting the beast
to do a low-level format, but finally <read the manuals>.  When he booted
the first floppy, it went and did a surface analysis...and did a regular
format...and it stopped at cylinder 1023, making a total of 1024 cyls.
  Is there a limit to the number of cylinders that SVR4 can handle...is
it at this "nice round HEX number"?  I was at a loss to explain this as
I have formatted 1GB drives with SVR4 (but didn't know about how many
cylinders they had..they were SCSI and his are ESDI).
|  Carlo Milono:  cmilono at netcom.apple.com   or   apple!netcom!cmilono     |
|"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign,  |
|that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."   - Jonathan Swift   |

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