Pyramid 9805 - Anybody use it?

Chris Anderson fenris at csuchico.EDU
Wed Dec 14 11:15:57 AEST 1988

My company is considering bids for a large computer system from 
several sources.  One of the bids is for a Pyramid 9805.  

Since I don't know much about Pyramid, can anybody tell me about
the company?  I'm interested in SysV compatibility, support(!),
networking capabilities, OSx, etc.  We're currently running SysV.2
on Plexus P-60's and P-95's, and we're looking to replace all of
them with either a DEC 6210 or ... 

Please give me your impressions about the company, as well as 
about their equipment.  I'll post summaries to the net, of course.


Chris Anderson
QMA, Inc.				fenris at csuchico.UUCP

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