hard drives for odd-ball computers

Thomas Rozek thomas at amc-vlsi.UUCP
Sat Mar 19 04:33:22 AEST 1988

             Is there a reasonably priced hard drive for your home
              If the price for 20M is over $900 or if there is not a hard
         drive available for your computer please leave me a note with the
         make of the computer, current price of a 20M drive and whether or
         not it has a floppy drive controller installed.  Don't just stop
         there but tell me whether you would like a 20M hard drive for
          Thanx in advance.
Thomas rozek
Alberta Microelectronic Centre
#200, 1620-29 St. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada  T2N 4L7
UUCP: ...{alberta,ubc-vision,utai}!calgary!amc-vlsi!thomas

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