Pyramid System for sale

Edward L. Hepler elh at vu-vlsi.Villanova.EDU
Wed Dec 20 01:26:21 AEST 1989

The Electrical Engineering Department of Villanova University has a 
Pyramid 90X Computer for sale.

Its configuration is:

	Pyramid 90X CPU with 8 Meg memory, Data Cache, Floating Point
	accelerator, 2 Eagle disk drives, 1600 bpi 1/2" tape, 32 serial
	lines, Ethernet interface, expansion cabinet.


	2 - AED 767 graphics terminals with 19" monitors and bit pads
	a Talaris T1200-P laser printer

are offered.

	The system is used to support a VLSI design laboratory and 
	general research in the EE Dept. of Villanova University and
	has been under Pyramid Maint. since its purchase.

Interested parties are invited to contact:

	Fred Lenczynski, EE Laboratory Manager at (215) 645-7369

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