
pete delany pete at sun360.Online.Nixdorf.De
Mon Mar 20 04:12:22 AEST 1989

Could someone send a copy of alloca() for OSX 4.1;
this is a function that alocates like malloc() but uses
the stack for space and is automatically released when the
function exits.  It is rather machine specific.
I cant find one in the OSX 4.1 release.  It looks like the
Sun Release  may do it with a macro for the SPARC.

Pete Delaney - Nixdorf UCC	| pete at NIXCTC.DE		Prefered Addr
Loffel Strasse 3		| pyramid!nixctc!pete		UUCP from Calf
7000 Stuttgart 70		| pete at RELAY.HUJI.AC.IL		Backup Address
West Germany			| Phone: +49 (711) 7685-128

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