read/write disk error message

Jonas Heyman jonas at lkbpyr.UUCP
Tue Oct 24 07:08:46 AEST 1989


We have a Pyramid 9820.
I was wondering how I best solve this error message:

pdisk00d: blk=88168 cmd=r8 seek=[456:0:8] ECC: sector +4 retries=1 Soft ECC
pdisk00d: blk=88168 cmd=r8 seek=[456:0:8] ECC: sector +4 retries=4 Uncorrectable
pdisk00d: blk=88168 cmd=r8 seek=[456:0:8] status=20010fd0 (hard 1/1) Uncorrected ECC (>N bits).
pdisk00d: blk=88168 cmd=r8 seek=[456:0:8] ECC: sector +4 retries=2 Uncorrectable
pdisk00d: blk=88168 cmd=r8 seek=[456:0:8] status=20010fd0 (hard 1/1) Uncorrected ECC (>N bits).

Can I find out wich files is in that particular blk=88168.
How do I solve this problem step by step.

What I've done before is:
	1. Take a backup with cpio.
	   Cpio report the files it cannot copy.
	2. Update the blk to the bad spot table,with an option within 
	   'format' command.
	   (Can I be sure format only takes this blk and not some more).
	3. Restore files reported from cpio from backups.

It must be a better way to do this.
Be glad for an answer Jonas,


  jonas at 

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