vi bsd editor for large screens wanted

Dan Packman pack at
Sat Oct 7 06:54:49 AEST 1989

Apparently, there is a well known bug in BSD vi in which the scroll region
is hard-coded corresponding to a 24 line display.  At least under pyramid
OSX 4.4c, this bug can be seen by editing on a larger display (eg 32 lines
is a good number).  Create or view a file that fills the page.  Go to lines
somewhere in the middle of the page and delete a few lines.  The display
is not properly updated until one does a ^L to force a screen update.

Does anyone know if this has been/will be fixed in operating system releases
after 4.4c?  Failing that, does anyone know if it exists in the ATT universe?
If it does not, can someone mail me a text version of the terminfo file for
a vt100 so we can modify for our number of lines/columns?  No text versions
of the terminfo is included in our system release.

						Dan Packman
PS Our termcap entry for a vt100 modified for 32 lines follows:


Dan Packman     NCAR                         INTERNET: pack at acdpyr.UCAR.EDU
(303) 497-1427  P.O. Box 3000                   CSNET: pack at ncar.CSNET
                Boulder, CO  80307       DECNET  SPAN: 9.367::PACK

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