mnt_freq in etc/fstab of virtual fs

bothe at net4.UUCP bothe at net4.UUCP
Fri Sep 8 06:25:58 AEST 1989

Virtual and memory filesystems have mnt_freq=1 in /etc/mtab
(5. field in mtab).
How can I change it (mount? dkconfig? dktab? disktab? fstab?)

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Richard Bothe
Dep DTSW 2-4
Berliner Str. 95
D-8000 Munic (West Germany)
Tel.: (nat-89)3601-2956
eunet: bothe.muc at nixpbe.UUCP
!USA: mcvax!unido!nixpbe!bothe.muc
USA:  uunet!linus!nixbur!bothe.muc

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