Is there a German Modula 2 compiler?

Michael Schmidt michael at
Fri May 4 23:47:59 AEST 1990

In article <7196 at>, jpd at pc (DugalJP) writes:
>I am trying to find a Modula 2 implementation for Pyramid OSx, and I
>seem to remember hearing of a German implementation for the Targon.
>Is this true?  How would I license a copy for use here in the USA?

It is true. Indeed. We ported the GMD M2 Compiler (a pre-MOCKA) to
Targon/31 and Targon/35 for Nixdorf. They should sell it. Really. But
I am not so sure, they do.

>Merci d'avance,

Nichts zu danken.
      Michael Schmidt, FB 17, Uni-GH Paderborn, Warburgerstr. 100,
                     D-4790 Paderborn, West Germany
Mail:   michael at pbinfo.UUCP         or          michael at

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