Upgrade 5.0d for 9825

Wayne Lyle wlyle at sjuphil.uucp
Mon Nov 12 06:36:20 AEST 1990

	Has anyone gone through an upgrade for 5.0d for the Pyramid 9800
series system.  I had ordered the tapes and documentation and was getting
ready to go ahead and do the upgrade when a chance meeting with my Field
Engineer made me call it off.  He said that there were certain levels of
boards that were needed to run OSx5.0 and that if you didn't have these you
weren't 100% sure if 5.0 would come up on your system.  I wonder if RTOC ever
checked this out before sending me the tapes.  As it turns out I have most of
the higher level board needed so I won't be delayed by much.  Anyone else run
in to this problem??  Anyone else even heard of this??

Wayne J. Lyle
Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish & Kauffman
Philadelphia, PA 19109
(215) 875-8583

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Wayne J. Lyle
Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish & Kauffman
Philadelphia, PA 19109
(215) 875-8583

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