Pyramid NFS and File locking
Wayne Lyle
wlyle at sjuphil.uucp
Thu Feb 14 08:24:59 AEST 1991
In article <9102121748.AA08400 at> hassler at LOGDIS1.HQ.AFLC.AF.MIL (Barry Hassler (CDC);LMSC/SXSN) writes:
>I am interested in finding out about any other Pyramid sites that are using
>NFS, and their feelings regarding the lack of file locking. Opinions either
>way are welcome (it isn't needed, or we can't do without).
We are really crushed by the fact that there is no lockd. We have two
9825s - we mainly use WordPerfect, and have been forced to turn off the
file-locking mechanism for that program because without it WP would not allow
for access to remote files. We also use a couple of other programs that need
to check for file locking. In those cases we just have to force the users to
use local disk.
We did have a product on the Pyramid called "FreedomNet" which did get
around the problem. It in turned caused a lot of network traffic. We are now
trying to see if we can live without that.
I hope that Pyramid takes this to heart and gets this file locking
situation solved, or I may just solve the problem myself by getting rid of the
Wayne Lyle
Wayne J. Lyle
Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish & Kauffman
Philadelphia, PA 19109
(215) 875-8583
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