[Jim Diamond <DIAMOND at DREA-XX.ARPA>: sendmail]

Fri Aug 5 23:28:25 AEST 1988

We have a 3130 which is connected to a local area network (speaking TCP/IP).
One of the systems on the LAN is an arpanet gateway.  I wanted to get
sendmail set up to communicate with the rest of the world.

I tried reading the S.G. documentation.  It talked about a couple
of files in a directory which didn't even come with our system.
Thus that was little use.

I tried modifying the copy of the sendmail.cf file which came with
the system, according to the instructions contained therein.
That didn't help either.  Depending on how I set it up, I either
get "user unknown" or "host unknown" type messages.

Since we have ftp and telnet working fine, I assume that the problem
is most likely with my sendmail.cf file and not elsewhere.

Before I spend possibly outrageous amounts of time becoming a sendmail
expert, is there anyone out there who can either
1) enlighten me with a few sentences, or
2) send me a working sendmail.cf for a similar system.

		Jim Diamond
		diamond at drea-xx.arpa

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