SGI 4D NFS/Ethernet problems

Rob Gabbard crgabb at sdrc.UUCP
Wed Aug 10 00:30:14 AEST 1988

I've been having problems with NFS and Ethernet on a CS-12 and I was
wondering if anyone else was having the same problems.  I've got a CS-12
with 4 380 meg disks, 3 of which are mounted via NFS to a number of 4Ds.
Under 3.0 I used to get the message "if_enp0: firmware died and restarted"
followed by "if_enp0: failed to restart" and then no Ethernet operations would
work until a reboot or /etc/init.d tcp stop and /etc/init.d/tcp start.  This 
would happen 2 to 3 times a week. Under 3.0 Rev B I haven't gotten these
messages yet (only been running it 2 days) but after about a day and a half of 
heavy trafic on the CS-12 I get ALOT of NFS timeouts on the 4Ds onto which the 
CS-12's drives are mounted on.

Also, I was using bootp to upgrade one system without a tape drive with one
that had a tape drive and on the one with the tape drive I was getting
"if_enp0: firmware died and restarted" messages a couple of times during
the remote tape operations which hosed my update. I got this same symptom on
2 different systems. (both 4Ds)

I've talked to SGI about this and they were going to test their Ethernet driver
under heavy load since that was where the problem seemed to lie.  I haven't
heard anything back from them yet on the outcome. Archer, are you out there ?

Rob Gabbard                               |    UUNET: uunet!sdrc!crgabb
Workstation Systems Programmer            |    PHONE: (513)576-2600
Structural Dynamics Research Corporation  |

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