old sgi machines...

Barnacle Wes wes at obie.UUCP
Sun Aug 14 02:54:48 AEST 1988

In article <906 at client2.DRETOR.UUCP>, king at client2.DRETOR.UUCP (Stephen King) writes:
> In article <17350 at gatech.edu> ken at gatech.edu (Ken Seefried iii) writes:
> >Does anyone still run the old 1400 and 2400 series silicon graphics machines?
> 	Yes, we have two of these	^^^^
> >Does SGI still support them?
> 	No. But we can still get replacement parts. 

Does anyone out there know of any of the older SGI machines for sale?  I
would be very interested in picking one up if they're available for a
reasonable price.

Is the software written for the newer machines (like the 4D) compatible
with the older machines?  I assume the software written for the older
ones runs OK on the newer ones, right?

	Wes Peters
                     {hpda, uwmcsd1}!sp7040!obie!wes
           "Happiness lies in being priviledged to work hard for
           long hours in doing whatever you think is worth doing."
                         -- Robert A. Heinlein --

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