Query on 3130 Iris

Peter Shenkin shenkin at cubsun.BIO.COLUMBIA.EDU
Thu Jun 30 01:39:53 AEST 1988

To make a long story short, someone is offering me a used but maintained
3130 for $25k.

(1) Do you think this is a good price?
(2) I've heard the Fortran compiler is awful -- eg, can't use units 5,6
    as stdin and stdout for UNIX redirects.  Do you know a way around this?
    Is there a 3rd party Fortran compiler around which corrects this?
(3) Can you suggest any sgi guru's worth consulting?
(4) Can you suggest any questions that I should have asked, but didn't?  (And
    if you know the answers, too, so much the better!)

Thanks, if you can help....

Peter S. Shenkin,    Department of Biological Sciences,    Columbia University,
New York, NY   10027         Tel: (212) 280-5517 (work);  (212) 829-5363 (home)
shenkin at cubsun.bio.columbia.edu    shenkin%cubsun.bio.columbia.edu at cuvma.BITNET
Peter S. Shenkin,    Department of Biological Sciences,    Columbia University,
New York, NY   10027         Tel: (212) 280-5517 (work);  (212) 829-5363 (home)
shenkin at cubsun.bio.columbia.edu    shenkin%cubsun.bio.columbia.edu at cuvma.BITNET

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