Benchmark comparison of DEC 3100 and 4D/70GT
Bates TAD/HRNAB ms294 x2601
blbates at AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV
Sat Apr 1 10:31:53 AEST 1989
I agree, the only reliable way to bench mark machines is to take
real programs and run them on different machines.
I bet if someone changed the Dhrystone test so that it used ALL
reals instead of integers, it would run faster on the CRAY, than
the integer version on the CRAY.
Could someone send me a copy of the Dhrystone test, if it isn't
too big?
Brent L. Bates
NASA-Langley Research Center
M.S. 294
Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225
(804) 864-2854
E-mail: blbates at or blbates at
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