Richard Shaginaw lac11205
shaginaw at JVNCF.CSC.ORG
Fri Apr 28 05:59:47 AEST 1989
Does SGI or anyone else make available a collection of example
codes for using GL from FORTRAN? We have a user who teaches graduate
courses in computer graphics, and who has authored several books on the
subject, who finds the combined tasks of (1) discovering the proper sequence
of CALLs, and (2) debugging novice errors, extremely burdensome with GL.
The manuals do not really help.
Thanks in advance for the info.
The John von Neumann National Supercomputer Center -- User Services Group
Richard J. Shaginaw JVNC
Applications Software Analyst P.O. Box 3717
Consortium for Scientific Computing Princeton, NJ 08543
Internet Address: shaginaw at 609-520-2000
Bitnet Address: shaginaw at jvncc FAX: 609-520-1089
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