backup through the fs
Henry Spencer
henry at utzoo.uucp
Wed Apr 26 04:45:50 AEST 1989
In article <8904181440.AA11202 at adt.uucp> madd at adt.UUCP (jim frost) writes:
>Tar isn't too useful when you're backing up more than a few hundred
>megabytes (actually even a hundred). It's slow and very unreliable.
>Given Murphy's Law and the nature of tape drives, the one backup you
>really need will be corrupted. A good backup/restore program would be
>able to get a lot of information off the tape anyway; tar would barf
>and you'd end up bit-fiddling to get the file. Blech.
Don't confuse the program with the format. It is not hard to write a
program that scavenges files from a tar tape. In fact, guess how we
just did a restore off backups on our 4D/60T. Surprise surprise, SGI
tar does *not* know how to restore off a multi-tape backup, although it's
perfectly happy to create them... We'd have been Up S**t Creek if we
didn't have the scavenging programs; SGI basically just said "uh, yeah,
that's a problem" when we asked.
Mars in 1980s: USSR, 2 tries, | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
2 failures; USA, 0 tries. | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry at
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