Hot Chips Symposium
Martin Freeman
mfreeman at cascade.Stanford.EDU
Sat Apr 22 03:37:04 AEST 1989
Stanford University, Kresge Auditorium
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
Technical Committee on Microprocessors
June 26-27, 1989
Organizing Committee:
General Chairman: Robert Stewart, Stewart Research Enterprises
Program Co-Chairman: David Ditzel, Sun Microsystems
Program Co-Chairman: Jack Grimes, Intel
Finance Chairman: Martin Freeman, Philips Research Laboratories
Registration Chairman: Hasan Alkhatib, University of Santa Clara
Publicity Chairman: Glen Langdon, U. C. Santa Cruz
Program Committee:
Forest Baskett, Silicon Graphics
David Ditzel, Sun Microsystems
David Goldberg, Xerox PARC
Jack Grimes, Intel
Mark Horowitz, Stanford University
John Mashey, MIPS Computer Systems
John Wakerly, Stanford University
MONDAY --- June 26, 1989
08:00-08:45 Onsite Registration
08:45-09:00 Welcome & Opening Remarks, R. Stewart, General Chairman
09:00-10:45 New SPARC CPUs, Session Chairman: D. Ditzel, Sun Microsystems
* The Cyress SPARC Family, R. Ross, Ross Technology
* The BIT ECL SPARC Chip, A. Agrawal, Sun Microsystems
* SPARC in GaAs Technology, P. Gerskovitch & P. Wilson, Prisma
10:45-11:00 BREAK
11:00-12:30 RISC CPU Update, Session Chairman: Forest Basket, Silicon Graphics
* Fujitsu SPARC Chip Set Update, Fujitsu
* Highly Integrated SPARC Chip, D. McGregor, Solbourne Computer
* 88K Family Update, M. Alsup, Motorola
* Clipper Update, Intergraph
12:30-01:30 LUNCH
01:30-02:15 Keynote Address: "Bumps on the Path to Floating Point Progress,"
W. Kahan, U. C. Berkeley
02:30-03:30 New Processor Architectures, Session Chairman: J. Grimes, Intel
* Architecture of the i860, L. Kohn, Intel
03:30-04:00 BREAK
04:00-05:30 Floating Point Processors, Session Chairman: D. Goldberg, Xerox PARC
* ABACUS SPARC Coprocessor, A. Samuels & M. Birman, Weitek
* Texas Instruments TMS390C602 FPU Architecture, Texas Instruments
* The MIPS R3010 FPU, J. Mashey, MIPS Computer Systems
06:00-08:00 RECEPTION: Bowman Oak Grove Near Tressider Union
TUESDAY --- June 27, 1989
08:30-10:30 New CISC CPUs, Session Chairman: M. Horowitz, Stanford University
* Motorola's 68040 Processor Architecture, Motorola
* Intel's 80486 Processor Architecture, J. Crawford, Intel
* Architecture for a Single-Cycle VLSI CISC, D. Stiles, NexGen
10:30-10:45 BREAK
10:45-12:30 Embedded CPUs, Session Chairman: J. Wakerly, Stanford University
* Intel's 960--A Super Scalar Architecture for Embedded Control,
S. McGready, Intel
* Meeting the Embedded Challenge: NS32GX32, The New Generation,
J. Levy, National
* AMD 29000 Update, M. Krell, Advanced Micro Devices
12:30-01:30 LUNCH
01:30-03:00 Graphics Coprocessors, Session Chairman: J. Grimes, Intel
* TI 34020/82 Chip Set for High Performance Graphics,
M. Asal, Texas Instruments
* Architecture for High Performance Graphics, J. Blair, National
* The Sun GX Graphics Accelerator Chip, C. Priem, Sun Microsystems
* Geometry Engine Microsystems Update, F. Baskett, Silicon Graphics
03:00-03:30 BREAK
03:30-05:00 Panel: Compiler Issues with HOT Chips, Session Chairman: J. Mashey,
MIPS Computer Systems
* S. Glanville, Silicon Valley Software Trio
* S. Johnson, Ardent Computer
* T. Pennello, MetaWare
* Others
05:00- ADJOURN
Limited Housing is available on the Stanford University Campus in Florence Moore Hall,
a short walk from Kresge Auditorium where the Symposium will be held. A two-day
package includes housing for two nights and two breakfasts; the cost is $90. Housing
is in student residences with central lavatory facilities. Stanford requires a $40
key deposit which is refunded upon checkout. Housing at Stanford University must be
arranged by May 21.
Housing is also available at numerous motels and hotels on the Peninsula in Palo Alto,
Menlo Park, Mountain View, and Los Altos which are close to Stanford University. A list
with addresses and telephone numbers and rates is available. A block of rooms is also
available at the Holiday Inn, 625 El Camino Real in Palo Alto, (415) 328-2800. Mention
the Hot Chips Symposium for the special group rate of $84/day single or $94/day double.
If you would like additional housing information, please check the housing information
request area on the registration form.
| | Postmarked by | Subsequent |
| | May 21, 1989 | Registration |
|________________|________________________________|___________________________| |
| | | |
| IEEE/CS or | $145 | $180 |
| ACM Member | | |
| | | |
| Non-Member | $180 | $225 |
| | | |
| Student | $65 | $100 |
| | | |
Checks, travelers checks, or money orders in U.S. dollars drawn on U.S. banks only.
Symposium registration covers attendance, one copy of symposium notes, parking,
two lunches, coffee breaks, and a reception on Monday evening, June 26. Housing
must be arranged for and paid for separately. See above section on housing.
For those out-of-town attendees arriving on Sunday, registration also includes a
tour of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) 2:00 PM with transportation
departing from Florence Moore Hall at 1:30 PM. From 5:30-7:30 on Sunday, there
will be a small wine and cheese reception in the Cardenal Lounge in Florence
Moore Hall.
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| REGISTRATION FORM: Hot Chips Symposium |
| |
| Check Made Out To: Hot Chips Symposium |
| |
| Mail To: Hasan Alkhatib |
| Department of EECS |
| University of Santa Clara |
| Santa Clara, CA 95053 |
| |
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| Name_____________________________________________________________________________ |
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| IEEE/CS or ACM Member No.________________________________________________________ |
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| Organization_____________________________________________________________________ |
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| Phone No.________________________________________________________________________ |
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| Address__________________________________________________________________________ |
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| _________________________________________________________________________________ |
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| _________________________________________________________________________________ |
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| Amount Enclosed ____________ Please send housing information____________ |
| |
| I plan to arrive early for the Stanford Linear Accelerator Tour__________________ |
| |
Call, Write, or FAX: (415) 941-6699
(To FAX, push the asterisk key after the message.)
Robert G. Stewart, General Chair
Stewart Research Enterprises
1658 Belvoir Drive
Los Altos, CA 94022
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