HELP: Low level terminal I/O
Jim Barton
jmb at
Thu Aug 3 01:20:17 AEST 1989
In article <8908011000.aa22873 at VMB.BRL.MIL>, moss at BRL.MIL ("Gary S. Moss", VLD/VMB) writes:
> [Jim Barton writes]
> I don't believe that this is portable, except on System V based machines.
> It will work on some BSD-based systems, but not all, especially older
> implementations. For example, here is an excerpt from the termio(4V) manual
> page on my Sun (Release 3.2):
> -moss
Sorry, I meant portable to other System V machines. Of course this is
nonsense on non-conforming implementations. Bezerkely has better ways
to do this, and IRIX has picked those up.
-- Jim Barton
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems "UNIX: Live Free Or Die!"
jmb at, sgi!jmb at, ...{decwrl,sun}!sgi!jmb
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