3130 orphans
dolata at uazaic.UUCP
Tue Aug 8 06:06:03 AEST 1989
BBates writes;
>I don't use edge, because it doesn't work on a 3130. Just on of the many
>things you give up on, because the 3000's are orphaned machines.
Yeah, I paid my good dollars for a 3130 with the expectation that SGI would
continue to work on the operating system, and fix bugs as they popped up.
They decdied not to, for marketing reasons, and have effectively told all of
us 3130 owners to take a leap. So, do I trust them to keep the 4D series
current? Like beans I trust them!
And to show my appreciation of getting the green weanie from Silicon
Graphics, I am happy to say that my newest machine is an Ardent Titan.
Fool me once, shame on you;
Fool me twice, shame on me.
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