YP Between SGI and SUN (FYI)

Joe Ilacqua spike at world.std.com
Fri Dec 8 06:01:43 AEST 1989

	I just made our new 4D/25 (running 3.2.1) a YP client of a SUN
(3/60, SUNOS 4.0.3).  You need to merge the SUN & SGI versions of
/etc/services, /etc/rpc, and /etc/protocols.  Once you make these
changes it works fine.

	One annoying thing does crop up however.  We have two YP
domains on the same net, and the SGI's rpc.bootparamd will respond to
"Who_am_i" requests from machines in the other YP domain.  The SGI
tells the machine making the request that it is in the same domain as
the SGI.  The machines the SGI responds to are not in the bootparams
map or /etc/bootparams.  I don't know a lot about the protocol, but is
suspect this is a bug.  To work around, comment out the rpc.bootparamd
line in /usr/etc/inetd.conf.
"The World" - Public Access Unix - +1 617-739-9753  24hrs {3,12,24}00bps

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