WARNING 3.2.1 may remove your accounting data

Scott_Klosterman crscott at sdrc.UUCP
Fri Dec 29 06:37:41 AEST 1989

     After installing 3.2.1 you will find the following
     entry in /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root

      2      1       *       *       0       umask 033;
      cd /etc;if test -f wtmp; then mv -f wtmp OLDwtmp; 
      touch wtmp; fi

      This may have been present in 3.2 but I don't re-
      call it. Maybe some-one at SGI could comment as to
      when exactly the line is adding as a comment and 
      when it is not. But if you have a home-brewed system
      for accounting which depends on /etc/wtmp you may
      experience technical difficulties :-) 

                                     Scott Klosterman
                                     SGI Sys. Admin.

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