sound possibilities for the future?

Steve Dempsey sd%chem at
Fri Dec 15 10:22:59 AEST 1989

In keeping with the spirit of things, the high end 4D's should have DOLBY
multi-channel surround sound capabilities.  After all, a machine capable of
sophisticated 3D video imaging ought to support 3D AUDIO imaging as well.
The first application could be a simulation of sonic booms in dogfight!
Marketing types should love this.  Imagine being able to claim to have the
first workstation with a sub-woofer output. :-)
Steve Dempsey						          (619) 534-0208
Dept. of Chemistry Computer Facility, B-014	   INTERNET:   sdempsey at
University of Calif. at San Diego		     BITNET:   sdempsey at ucsd
La Jolla, CA 92093				       UUCP:   ucsd!sdempsey

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