Stephen Kirby stephen at mincom.OZ
Thu Dec 14 10:27:44 AEST 1989

In article <624 at chem.ucsd.EDU>, tps at (Tom Stockfisch) writes:
> With 3.2 floating point exceptions are ignored, with NaN's and Infinity's
> propagated through floating point exceptions, presumably according to
> IEEE rules.  I happen to prefer that all exceptions result in SIGFPE
> being raised, so that a process stops right away and either aborts
> or calls a signal()-specified error handler.
> How can I achieve this?
> || Tom Stockfisch, UCSD Chemistry	tps at
         I wish to support this request.  We are attempting to develop
	 commercial software, and are very worried that our programs
	 don't crash during debugging when divide by zero's
 || Stephen Kirby, MINCOM

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