Another SGI graphics problem/solution to last one

Scum cycy at
Fri Dec 8 06:18:33 AEST 1989

First, I should, since I posted the question here, answer why my system
wasn't working when we got our upgrade. It turns out that, unbeknownst to
me, we only got the eoe and nfs upgrades; we didn't get the development
package. Thanks to the SGI people who responded to me. I really appreciate the
fact that you folks read this board and try to help us with the problems here.
Now, my system is a happy system once again, and running fine.

Or at least it was until a new feature was added.

We want to use dgl (Distributed Graphics Library) and have things appear
on another monitor's screen. That works; however, on the local screen there
is a problem with lighting in one of the windows, and it's pretty weird. The
objects appear, and they appear in the correct material colour. However, the
lighting model or the lights seem to be screwed up. The objects are just
coloured flat now. No shadows, no shading, no perspective, nothing. This worked
in gl, but it seems there is something missing in dgl. By the way, normals are
set. I tried depth cueing and z-buffering  with dgl on the local, remote and
both screens, and those worked. The lighting works when I link gl, but not dgl.
Of course, the graphics don't get distributed in gl. I called the graphics
hotline (in fact, they're the ones who suggested these tests), and they're
working on the problem.  However, given as I'm desparate for time, I thought
I'd post on here to see if anybody had any clues on this problem. Perhaps
somebody has encountered it before, for instance.

Thanks for any help.

						-- Chris.
					-- Chris. (cycy at
"People make me pro-nuclear." -- Margarette Smith

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