/usr/etc/nfsstat interpretation

Amy Swanson swanson at UXE.CSO.UIUC.EDU
Wed Dec 6 05:28:18 AEST 1989

	I have a 4D/240 server that is being used as a NFS and Yellow Pages
server for a lab of 20 Personal Irises.  Lately, we've been experiencing a
lot of problems with NFS "getattr" failures.  I looked at the output of the
/usr/etc/nfsstat but am not sure what I am looking for or how to determine if
it is the server or a client having a problem, and if it is a client, how do
I find out which of the 20 PIs is having the problem.  Could someone help me 
interpret the following nfsstat output?  Thanks!


rels_55% /usr/etc/nfsstat -cs

Server rpc:
calls      badcalls   nullrecv   badlen     xdrcall
5292246    0          0          0          0          

Server nfs:
calls      badcalls
5292246    0          

null       getattr    setattr    root       lookup     readlink   read       
0  0%      1674964 31% 49493  0%  0  0%      1009263 19% 913  0%    1210477 22% 

wrcache    write      create     remove     rename     link       symlink    
0  0%      1054781 19% 16559  0%  14286  0%  3994  0%   1405  0%   2  0%      

mkdir      rmdir      readdir    fsstat     
307  0%    92  0%     253719  4% 1991  0%   

Client rpc:
calls      badcalls   retrans    badxid     timeout    wait       newcred
316821     322        105        9          266        0          0          

Client nfs:
calls      badcalls   nclget     nclsleep
316821     322        316821     0          

null       getattr    setattr    root       lookup     readlink   read       
0  0%      30735  9%  1  0%      0  0%      32406 10%  12432  3%  180105 56% 

wrcache    write      create     remove     rename     link       symlink    
0  0%      45778 14%  129  0%    129  0%    0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      

mkdir      rmdir      readdir    fsstat     
0  0%      0  0%      14949  4%  157  0%    


Amy Swanson
SGI/Alliant Systems Administrator
NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign

amys at ncsa.uiuc.edu

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