problems with RECTRE and other little things

Thant Tessman thant at
Fri Dec 1 12:51:17 AEST 1989

In article <2994 at uceng.UC.EDU>, trohling at uceng.UC.EDU (tom rohling) writes:

[first problem deleted...  I try to ignore FORTRAN with the hope that it
will go away]

>    While I'm on the subject of idiosyncrasies, 

[description of second problem shortened]

>  The problem is is
> that when the graphics mode kicks in, the system will start to accept input
> from std. input.  *** Is there a way to prevent this????  i.e. wait until
> one graphics program is completely finished until the system returns to
> accepting input???

Precede your call to winopen with a call to foreground.
It makes it do exactly what you want.

> Any help on any of the above problems from the audience out there would be a
> great help.
>                      Tom Rohling
>                      CFD dude
>                      University of Cincinnati


There are 336 dimples on the standard golf ball.

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