test missile cones in dog/flight?

Steve Lamont spl at mcnc.org
Wed Dec 27 23:03:26 AEST 1989

In article <2249 at odin.SGI.COM> ghelms at hellfire.sgi.com (Gretchen Helms) writes:
> [about the war making simulation aspects of flight simulator]

How does one remove the shooting and killing parts from the flight simulator?
Although I enjoy occasionally trying to fly the Cessna and the 747, I don't
particularly like having the F-whatever killing machines on the machines I

							spl (the p stands for
							peacenik and proud of
Steve Lamont, sciViGuy			EMail:	spl at ncsc.org
NCSC, Box 12732, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
"Reality involves a square root"
			Thomas Palmer

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