!! Please...Help !!

Thu Dec 28 12:44:17 AEST 1989

To anyone familiar with the X distribution:

     I am having quite a difficult time compiling the DEC widget intrinsics on
an IRIS (IRIX System V Release 3.2).  Everything worked fine when the machines
were running on Release 3.1, but after the upgrade to 3.2, the following comp-
ilation line:
              cc -I/usr/include/bsd -g -c prog.c
gave the following errors:
              ccom: Error: /usr/include/X11/DwtWidget.h, line 790: syntax error
                         Object                    current_gadget;
    I peered into the source code of DwtWidget.h and could not find any blatant
errors.  Are others having this same problem?  If so, is there a reasonably
quick fix for the situation?  
    Thanks to anyone for any clues to this rather vexing problem.

                                        mamabile at acm.princeton.edu

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