help needed with distcp

Tony Facca fsfacca at AVELON.LERC.NASA.GOV
Fri Dec 22 00:21:51 AEST 1989

I am trying to install 3.2 from a server on the net.  The machines are properly
configured (I can read from a remote tape).  I need to know the prom monitor
command to access the remote distribution directory.  The manual says the format
should be:

	boot -f $tapedevice(sash.ip6) --m     (page 3-14)

It doesn't specify what tapedevice should be set to.  The remote server is 
called "avelon".  So I try:

	setenv tapedevice bootp()avelon:/dis_directory/

but this wont work because there is no "sash" program (its called "sa").  I've
tried every variation I can think of.   The closest seems to be:

	boot -f bootp()avelon:/dis_directory/sa --m

This gives the message I am looking for ("Obtaining /distribution_dir from 
server avelon"), but complains about inappropriate byte order.  That's
probably because I can't figure out how to tell it that I want sash.ip6

I am going to call the hotline, but if anyone has been here before, I'd 
appreciate a reply. 


Tony Facca                     |     phone: 216-433-8318
NASA Lewis Research Center     |    
Cleveland, Ohio  44135         |     email: fsfacca at

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