
John D. McCalpin mccalpin at
Sat Dec 9 06:40:37 AEST 1989

Is Mathematica shipping yet for the Silicon Graphics 4D machines?
I am particularly interested availability for the 4D/25....  
I guess I should ask my sales rep about the price....

On a related note:

Is it likely to be possible to get an X-windows front-end for
Mathematica to run on a Silicon Graphics 4D?  This would be in
addition to the native SGI front-end.
I intend to do a lot of work from a remote X-windows terminal, and
don't want to be limited to the raw ascii Mathematica interface when I
am away from the console....
John D. McCalpin - mccalpin at
		   mccalpin at
		   mccalpin at

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