Irix 3.2 (4D) ldexp() function broken

David B. Anderson davea at
Sat Dec 16 10:17:56 AEST 1989

In article <8912140834.aa03045 at VGR.BRL.MIL>, gwyn at BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn, VLD/VMB) writes:
[various lines deleted for brevity]
> 	printf( "%g\n", ldexp( 0.0, 0 ) );
> $ ./foo
> 1.11254e-308
> $ # answer should be "0"; works properly on all other BRL UNIX systems
> $ # I think the problem is that they're treating true-0 as a denormalized
> $ # number and "rounding" it.  This is RONG.

Doug is right on all counts.  We need to fix this.

[ David B. Anderson    davea    Bldg-9    MS 9U500     extension 1548 ]

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