
Leif Laaksonen laaksone at BIO.VTT.FI
Wed Dec 13 22:05:13 AEST 1989

Hopefully somebody from SGI is on the line. If not I appologize
for wasting the network (and your time).

I wonder if I'm the only one who starts to be fed up with the way SGI handles
things abroad and Finland in particularly. I know the market in Finland is
small (negligible in fact) but has SGI any interest in this area?
Some examples:

1) If I order anything from SGI (= local SGI representative) it takes over 
   3 MONTHS to be delivered. That applies to everything systems, disks ...

   3 months is quite much if you need a disk or some more memory now.

2) Our 4D/70GTB was out of order for over a month because the people
   who should take care of the system did NOT get a replace board from
   US or Sweden to it in 2 weeks and not to comment the other 2 weeks.

   If one has a service contract on the machine SGI should be able within
   one week (few days) to repare or replace the broken parts.

3) No information about new SGI equipment and software tools is distributed
   automaticly to the customers. How about the catalog "Iris software exchange".
   I have no. 1 summer 1988 but I have not received anything since that. Is
   that catalog still published? When I ask local people they say that they
   don't receive anything from SGI. When I phone Sweden they promise to mail
   me something but nothing happens.

   I get quite much information from HP, Sun, IBM, ... but not from SGI.
   (We don't have any hardware from HP, Sun or IBM).

4) I have been able to read about IRIX 3.2 in this network list already for
   some time but not until one week ago I got a letter from the local 
   supplier about the new release. Ok, I can accept that but they want
   to charge me about $2000 for the upgrade to IRIX 3.2 and that is quite
   much I think.

   Is there any way we in Finland could be regarded as human beings
   trying to do our work? As it is now I will really next time we
   buy some graphics equipment think twice about what we really are buing.

   Please tell me how other small countries (small markets) have solved
   this problem.

   - Leif Laaksonen

Ps. Our new disk does still not work. Everything goes nice some time after
    a reboot but after some time we start to get the following error
    (warning?) messages:

Dec 11 18:43:54 geeni ips0d1: timeout. bn=29942 cmd=0x81 csr=0x4080 (command still in progress)
Dec 11 18:43:54 geeni ips0d1: timeout. bn=2416 cmd=0x81 csr=0x4080 (command still in progress)
Dec 11 18:43:54 geeni ips0d1: timeout. bn=2438 cmd=0x81 csr=0x4080 (command still in progress)
Leif Laaksonen                    I   "Is not life a hundred times too
Phone: 358-0-4565105              I    short for us to bore ourselves?"
Fax:   358-0-4552028              I 
                                  I                       F. Nietzsche
Mail: laaksone at geeni.bio.vtt.fi   I
      laaksone at finfun             I

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